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One Year Book Birthday!

My book is one year old! Well, close enough to a full year. The official one year mark is July 11, two days from now. 

I feel like this anniversary has snuck up on me. Sales for Book Indexing: A Step-by-Step Guide have slowed over the last few months, but still plugging away at 5-8 copies per month. I probably could do more to market the book, though I find my attention elsewhere, and at a certain point, I think, you need to let books grow on their own. But I am still very proud for what I’ve accomplished writing and publishing Book Indexing. I occasionally hear from people that they have bought and read the book, which is always a lovely surprise and affirmation.

With the book out in the world for a full year, I thought this would be a fun opportunity to do a quick round-up on how the book has fared, as well as a good time to announce that the ebook version is once again on sale at Smashwords. 

Sales Update

Book Indexing has sold 206 copies to date, which I am thrilled about. I was really hoping to hit the 200 copy milestone within this first year. This breaks down to 106 print copies and 100 ebook copies. Ebook sales appear to be on the verge of overtaking print. Maybe Book Indexing can reach 300 copies by this time next year?

I find this breakdown between print and ebook interesting because I think it bucks a few different expectations. On the indie author side, my understanding is that the vast majority of sales tend to be ebook, though that may also be primarily for fiction. I am not sure what the numbers are for self-published nonfiction. While on the indexing side, most indexers I know are book people and like to own physical copies. So while I am not surprised at the number of print sales, I am a bit surprised at how print sales have slowed while ebook sales are holding steady. On the other hand, some of the ebook sales are from places like Japan, India, Serbia, and Australia, where I imagine it is more difficult or expensive to get a print copy. Whatever the reasons, I think I made the right decision to make the book available in both formats, and I’m happy that Book Indexing is finding its readers. 

Library Availability

I also recently checked Book Indexing in Worldcat and was surprised to see that it is available from five libraries, including public libraries in Greeley, CO; Richardson, TX; and Washington, DC. A huge thank you if you put in a word for me at your local library.

Libraries can order both the print and ebook versions. I think having the book available in libraries is a win-win for everyone. I still receive royalties for the sale and people can discover the book for free. If you’d like to see Book Indexing in your local library, please consider contacting your library and requesting it. I know my local library welcomes requests and yours probably does too. 


I had a bit of momentum in the first six months or so after Book Indexing was publishing. I pushed past my fear of stuttering in public and completed two podcast interviews. The first was with Mark Leslie Lefebvre on his Stark Reflections podcast and the second was with Michelle Guiliano on the Freelance Indexer Exchange

I also received two positive reviews, from Daniel Heila in Key Words and Madelon Nanninga in The Indexer. I am so grateful for their feedback and kind words. With a book like this, I hoped it would be well received by my peers and colleagues, but it’s hard to predict. At least, I don’t want to assume. 

I also recently published an article in the June 2024 edition of The Indexer, in which I discuss my experience writing and publishing Book Indexing.

Otherwise, my focus has shifted. I still have my regular indexing workload. I recently presented at the Canadian indexing conference and am preparing to present again at another conference in a couple of months. I’ve also been getting back into writing fiction.

Looking ahead, one of my goals this year is to redo my website, which is badly out of date. Among other aspects to update, I want to better showcase my book and explain what it is all about. I am also thinking of taking, probably in the fall, Austin Church’s six-week Morning Marketing Habit course, to learn and develop better marketing habits, for both my indexing work and my book. For the time being, these are my two marketing goals going forward. 

Smashwords Summer Sale

If you are interested and haven’t yet picked up the ebook version, Book Indexing is once again 50% off at Smashwords.  The sale runs for the entire month of July. It’s hard to learn how to index for much cheaper. If you know of someone who would be interested, please feel free to share the link. Recommendations count for a lot.

Thank You

Thank you again for all of your support on this writing and publishing adventure. I wouldn’t be here—and Book Indexing wouldn’t be here—without your interest and encouragement. I am grateful to have you as a reader.