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Indexing Fiction: The Wheel of Time Case Study

Indexes for fiction seems to be a recurring topic among indexers. I do not know of anyone who has actually written an index like this, but we sure like to talk about it. Someone recently raised the issue again on one of the indexing email lists, and it just so happened that shortly before that exchange, I found an online index for the fourteen-volume fantasy series by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, The Wheel of Time, which is one of my favourite fantasy series.

So, here are some thoughts to join the conversation, first on indexing fiction, in general, and then on The Wheel of Time index specifically.

Issues in Indexing Fiction

One of the biggest concerns in indexing fiction is spoilers. How much of the plot should be revealed? Should the ending be included, even if buried in a subheading? Or should nothing about the plot be revealed, with the index consisting of  undifferentiated locators (no subheadings) for people, places, and things?

To help discern an answer, we should consider who is most likely to use the index. Is it a new reader or is it a repeat reader? Repeat readers may actually want spoilers, because they already know what happens anyway, and they may be searching the index for specific information or scenes that they recall, which would require a fairly detailed index. 

I think it is also helpful to consider other supplementary material that can accompany fiction, like wikis and companion books. For The Wheel of Time, the “A Wheel of Time Wiki” has on its home page the following statement: “This wiki contains spoilers for all books in the series! Read articles at your own risk.” The Wheel of Time Companion: The People, Places, and History of the Bestselling Series, also states in its introduction that the book contains spoilers. It seems reasonable to say that spoilers are inevitable, and often expected, in supplementary material, including, I would say, indexes. A certain amount of information needs to be included in order for that resource to serve its purpose. Perhaps spoilers are not as big an issue as we may think, though again, this circles back to the purpose of the index and its audience.

A related issue, focusing on the index content, is the scope of the index. Should the focus be solely on people, places, and things? What about the culture, technology, or social issues described in the book? Should major themes be picked up? Should the index attempt to break down the plot, or follow character arcs? Should subheadings be used, which can facilitate breaking down the story, or should locators be undifferentiated, which could lead to long strings of page numbers but at least the plot is safely hidden. In writing the index, of course, the book should not be rewritten, but I think that there are still degrees of complexity and scope that can be considered. A good novel should be multifaceted and immersive. Should the index be similar?

The last main issue that comes to mind is that of locators. Fiction, especially popular fiction, can often be reprinted in multiple editions over time. Which edition should the index be keyed to, or will the index have to be adjusted for each edition? If the index is for a series, like The Wheel of Time, for which I think an index would be most useful, there is the added question of how will the index be published? Will it be a standalone volume? Published online? This logistical issue is not insurmountable, but it should be considered from the outset.

The Wheel of Time Index

I have actually thought about an index for The Wheel of Time for many years, though partly for the issues outlined above and partly for lack of time and pay I have not followed through on the idea. So I am really excited to find this online index, which you can view here. It is part of the larger website Encyclopedia WoT, which is one of several fan-created The Wheel of Time websites. 

As you can see when you browse the main page, the main headings focus on people, places, and things. There are a few concepts, such as agelessness and channelling, which are specific to the world, but otherwise conceptual entries are not included. Still, given the parameters I am impressed by how thorough the term selection is. Even characters and places with very minor references are included. 

Interestingly, names are not inverted and are alphabetically sorted by first name. Perhaps readers are more familiar with first names than last? A more serious issue, I think, is that terms are not differentiated or explained. There are a few instances of two minor characters having the same name but no indication of which entry is for which. There are also a lot of terms which I simply do not recognize, probably because it has been a few years since I have read most of the books, and probably because some of these references are quite minor. I think simple glosses would be helpful. For example:

hedgehog (ter’angreal)

Mehar (Saldaean town)

Sarand (Andoran noble house)

Glosses like these would make the index much easier to browse. In its current state, the index requires the user to recognize all of the terms and to already know what they want to find, while glosses would make searching easier for the casual browser. 

My last critique about the main headings is the lack of cross-references. This lack is particularly noticeable as some of the entries do not have their own page. For example, the entry for Mondel Gate automatically redirects to the page for the city of Caemlyn, within which are references to Mondel Gate, but the user has to search for those references. It is not obvious why I was sent to a different page than expected, or where the relevant information is. Some sort of cross-reference could explain where the information actually is or why I am being redirected, and give direction for how to use the index.

The individual entries are also quite interesting, and show how much more information can be included in an online index compared to a back-of-the-book index. The entries definitely contain spoilers, as they contain extensive information about what the reader can find. For example, the following subheadings, we will call them, appear in the entry for Basel Gill:

Gill is very upset that Maighdin has disappeared.

Gill and his companions reach the Jehannah Road. Travelers report that the way north is impassable so they head east.

Rand tries to remember what Gill told him about Galad.

Elyas scouts the Whitecloak camp and recognizes Gill. Perrin begins planning how to free them.

The information provided is split into a number of different sections. The first is a brief explanation of the entry, such as this one for Basel Gill: “The innkeeper of The Queen’s Blessing in Caemlyn”. If the entry is a person, there is usually then a physical description, including locators for where the person is described. Next is a list of actions and events the character appears in, in chronological order, followed by other mentions. 

Entries for places, things, and groups follow a similar structure, and may also include a list of related entries (a form of cross-reference), such as everyone mentioned from a particular village.

As mentioned, a lot of information, in sentence format, is given in the description for each locator. The entries also appear to be in chronological order, so similar entries are not grouped together. While this means that readers have to search to find the specific information they want, the entry does provide a comprehensive overview. 

I find the locators to be one of the most interesting aspects of this index. The locators bypass the issue of which edition of the series to use by linking to chapter summaries instead of page numbers. This provides context for the entries, but if the reader still wants to find the specific mention, they will have to reread the chapter. Perhaps this is why so much description is given within each entry, as the chapter summaries are fairly brief. This makes the entries, in a way, more important than the locators. Still, I think this is quite an ingenious solution.

In addition to the index, at the top of each page there are a number of links to pages on each of the books, history, geography, characters, items, etc… Some of the information listed in these pages overlaps with the index, while others, such as history and geography, in a way serve as conceptual entries, gathering together relevant subheadings. The index is integrated into the larger website, blurring the lines between the website as a whole and the page that is formally labeled “Index.”

All in all, I am very impressed by this index for The Wheel of Time. I cannot imagine how much work must have gone into its creation. I think there are some ways to make the index easier to search and use, and more could be done to expand into more conceptual entries, but these are fairly minor quibbles compared to what this index actually does achieve. This is a fantastic resource for fans. I wish that similar indexes were available for other series as well.


Holidays, and the Fear of Missing Out

Photo by Simon Migaj from Pexels

I am entering the final stretch of scrambling to wrap up projects before I leave tomorrow for a week-long holiday. I have yet to manage a smooth transition from work to holiday. Somehow I just cannot seem to finish projects until the very last minute. Sometimes I end up taking the project on the airplane to finish. This trip, though, I am driving, so double incentive to finish before I go.

At least I have a week away to look forward to.  

As a freelancer, I have often heard people voice a fear of going on holiday, which is really a fear of being out of contact should a potential job come knocking. I have also felt this fear before, especially as a new freelancer when work was sparse. At that stage of one’s career, every job can feel like a big opportunity, and you don’t want to miss out. It can be hard enough to find work as it is.

In the last couple of years I’ve had the opposite problem. I have had steady work, and it has felt like the only way for me to take time off is if I schedule it in advance and proactively tell clients when I am going to be unavailable. Thankfully, most of my regular clients seem to understand, even if it occasionally means I have to turn down a project. I think I’ve even had a client once ask when my summer holiday was going to be, so they could schedule around it. That is one way to melt your freelancer’s heart.

Being busy as a freelancer is a two-edged sword. As new indexers, it is what we aspire to, if we are trying to derive a living from our work. I find that people often respond, “But that’s a good thing,” when I tell them that work has been busy. Because work equals money, right? At the same time, I have experienced periods of burnout as a freelancer, when I can feel my focus, intellect, and motivation stretched thin. I believe that as humans, we are made for periods of rest, so I have become quite deliberate about taking regular holidays. They are a necessity if I am going to freelance long term. If anything, I think that my clients should be thankful when I go on holiday, because I will probably be a better indexer in the couple of weeks after I get back. 

(Finding and creating periods of rest and margin in everyday life, such as actually taking evenings and weekends off, or whatever time period works best, is a similar issue, and one I still struggle with. It is not quite enough to take a holiday every few months. Smaller breaks are needed between the big breaks.)

Still, as freelancers, planning a holiday can be nerve-wracking. There is the risk that we will miss out on work. It can be hard to schedule if clients are contacting us months in advance with a project, before we  have figured out our own holiday plans. How can we successfully plan and take a holiday without ruining our career?

For me, it starts with making holidays a priority. As I mentioned, I have realized that I need periodic holidays in order to maintain peak indexing condition. I also have family and friends who live far away that I want to see, and I don’t see them if I spend all my time at home working. So while work is still a priority (I still spend most of my time indexing), I also have reasons for taking time off. I have also come to trust that turning down the occasional project is not going to ruin my work schedule or relationships. My regular clients, thankfully, are understanding, and I already have projects that will be waiting for me when I return. 

If you are a newer freelancer, missing out on work is a very understandable concern. I think you can still get in the habit of scheduling holidays. Recognize that you are at a stage in your career when work is likely going to be sparse, regardless of whether you stay at home or go on a holiday. You are not going to be in this stage forever. You may miss out on an opportunity for work by going on holiday, but if going on holiday is a priority, then missing one or two jobs, in the long run, is going to be okay. To be honest, I wish I had established the habit of holidaying earlier, so I could have avoided burning out once work got busy. Early in my career, I did not really know how to say no or how to pace my schedule, which eventually became a problem. 

Once the priority has been set, I find it important to schedule the holiday a couple of months or more in advance. My work schedule is usually booked two months in advance and I do not want to kick clients off my schedule if I have made a prior commitment to them. So for holidays, I find a clear spot on the calendar that is not already occupied, and stake out that space. It is mine, and I am not going to allow a client to take it over. 

The next step is to tell clients. I have been diligent this last month, and especially this last week, reminding clients that I am going to be away and unavailable. Occasionally this means turning down a project (I did turn one down this week). More often, it is a scenario like accepting a project but letting the client know that I will be starting a couple of days after the proofs become available, because I will not be home yet. I think some clients can be amendable to working with your plans so long as they are not surprised at the last minute.

If you are going on a longer trip, say longer than two or three weeks, you can let regular clients know ahead of time and ask if they have upcoming projects they want to schedule for when you return. This can mitigate the scenario of the client trying to contact you while you are away and you being unable to respond. This can also provide some peace of mind, knowing that there will be work waiting for you when you come back. Alternatively, you can contact clients when you return, to let them know that you are open again for business. Either way, you are giving the client some guidance, both about your schedule and about when is the best time to communicate with you. 

The last consideration is, do you stay connected while on holiday? Ideally, to fully disconnect, I do not take my laptop with me, and I do not check email. I instead set up an auto-reply letting people know when I will be back. When I am away, I want to fully engage with my holiday. Occasionally, though, I do need to finish a project in the first couple of days away, or I need my laptop for other reasons, which often leads to checking email every few days. Still, I find it can be so satisfying and refreshing to be free from my devices. To read a paper book instead of the screen. 

On that note, I should get back to work and get my remaining projects sewn up so I can depart tomorrow guilt-free. I hope you enjoy a wonderful holiday too, whenever you take your next.

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Indexing Basics, Reflections on

Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash

Last Saturday I presented my first webinar on indexing, hosted by the Writers’ Guild of Alberta. A couple of weeks ago I gave a similar presentation to the Editors Canada twig here in Edmonton. Many thanks to both groups for allowing me to present. I learned a lot, both about presenting and about indexing, as I reflected on my practice. Whoever said that teaching is the best way to learn was right.

As I thought about how to present indexing in under an hour, with time for introductions and questions, two themes kept reappearing.

The first is that indexing is about analysis. What is the text about? You cannot write a good index without understanding the text.

The second is audience. Who is the index for? How will they be using the index? How familiar are they with the subject? Do they typically use indexes? If the index is not written with the audience in mind, the index will also probably be poor.

These two themes are closely linked. I think that indexing can be described as analysis on behalf of the reader. In a way, both the text and the audience needs to be analyzed. As the indexer, we need to do some of the heavy lifting for the reader, so that using the index is a pleasant and easy experience. The index should also help guide the reader to what the text is about.

Ultimately, if the participants in both presentations took nothing else away, I hope they remember analysis and audience. If both are front of mind when indexing, I think the index has a decent chance of succeeding. Everything else is just detail and polish.

To close, I will leave you with my new favourite quote on indexing, from a recent issue of The Indexer (vol. 36 no. 1, March 2018). It is by Mary Coe, an indexer from Australia. I think she really nails what we attempt to do as indexers, bringing together both analysis and the reader, and the risk that we might get it all wrong. This is also what helps to make indexing so satisfying. Mary writes:

“As indexers, we have the very difficult task of putting ourselves in other people’s shoes (or heads). Sometimes we get it right and sometimes we don’t; however, I think it is inherently our job to try.”

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Three Indexing Mind Hacks

Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

It has so far been a busy summer. That means tight deadlines and renewed thoughts about how to be more efficient in my indexing process. I mean, indexing is tough. It is constant analysis, understanding what the text means and discerning how to make the text accessible to readers. If there is a way to simplify or expedite part of the process, it does make a difference on overall indexing time and cognitive load.

Learning how to effectively use indexing software is one approach that is commonly advocated for becoming more efficient. I agree, and I think there is more that I can learn with the software I use, Cindex. 

As I have written about earlier, practice is essential for becoming a more efficient indexer. I find so much about indexing is understanding the different ways a book can be structured, understanding the different ways an index can be structured and written, and understanding when to go with one approach versus another. For me, at least, the only way I can learn this is by doing, over and over again, and being mindful of what I am doing so that I can learn with each index. I think that I am more efficient now than I was even just a year ago. I hope to continue to improve. 

Recently, though, I have been thinking about three techniques I use. These are all ways to externalize and capture my thoughts so I do not have to keep everything in my mind all at once. 

Mind Mapping

Mind mapping is a way to quickly diagram relationships. I find this exercise most helpful for understanding difficult books. There is something about writing down the different components of an argument, and physically drawing lines between them, that boosts clarity. It can also be a way to see if I have captured the full scope of the book in the index, as I compare the mind map, based on the book, to the index. I have been finding it so helpful that I am starting to do a quick mind map for all indexes I write, usually before I start the final edit. It only takes about ten minutes, and it gives me an opportunity to reflect.

There is a website on mind mapping, if you want to learn more. Software is available, both free and for a price. I occasional use Scapple, but honestly, I usually just use a pen and a scrap piece of paper. 


Another technique I have used for years is keeping notes. I use Notes, a program on my MacBook. I have one note per project, and I simply keep a running list of whatever I want to remember for later. These are often notes about terminology, if I am trying to decide between two or three options. Or these can be questions for the author, or errors that I am finding which I want to share with the client. Sometimes I just free write, in order to understand a concept or a relationship. For some books, I will just have a couple of notes, while for others I’ll end up with a page or two. 

By making a note, I am removing the thought or question from my mind, and I am giving myself permission to move on, knowing that I will be able to come back later and resolve the issue. There is too much thinking going on while indexing to remember every last error I found and question I have, so writing the note down frees up a lot of cognitive space. This is also a recognition that for a lot of issues, I will not know the answer until I have read further in the book and seen how the issue is addressed elsewhere, or perhaps I do need to ask the author. In the meantime, I have to keep working, and making notes that I can refer to later allows me to do that.

Labels and Highlights

Coming back to indexing software, there is a feature in Cindex, the software I use, that I am appreciating more and more as a form of note-taking. This is the ability to label, or highlight, entries. I assume the same can be done in other programs, like Macrex and Sky. 

When I label entries, I am flagging the entry with a colour to remind myself to take action at a later date. I will often use two or three different colours to remind myself of different things. The most common is for an entry I might want to cut. Especially if space is tight for the index, it saves a lot of time at the end to be able to search for the labeled entries and hit delete for all of them. I use a different colour if I think I might want to remove subheadings. Another common reason is for entries I want to revisit, but I am afraid I will forget if it is not labeled. 

As with notes, using labels is about externalizing my thoughts so that I can put that thought away for later.

Working full time as an indexer is often about finding ways to be efficient, so we can maintain a full schedule without burning out. These are three mind hacks that I use to process my thoughts more efficiently, and to focus better without being distracted by a host of other thoughts. If you are an indexer, what techniques do you use? I am curious.

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Standing Up to Imposter Syndrome

Photo by James Pond on Unsplash

It occurred to me, after I published the post a couple of weeks ago on how to define and self-assess experience, that imposter syndrome is closely related. How many freelancers experience that? I do. 

Imposter syndrome is that nagging feeling that my accomplishments are all a fraud. I don’t actually know what I am doing. Sooner or later a client or a colleague will call me out on the terrible quality of my work. 

This can often flare up with a more difficult project. Perhaps the index is for a subject I am less familiar with. Or maybe I am in a dry spell for work, and I am wondering, will anyone ever send me work again? Or maybe I am just tired, which causes the project I am working on to seem more daunting than it actually is. Whatever the case, I start to doubt myself. I second guess decisions. I get anxious when faced with a difficult section in the index and I have to step away for a moment to refocus. 

Do you ever feel this way? I suspect it is fairly common. The Writing Excuses podcast has an excellent episode on imposter syndrome from a couple of years ago. 

I do not know if imposter syndrome will ever fully go away. I seem to be in its grips less often now, though I can see a couple of upcoming projects that are a little outside my comfort zone. I wonder if it is most common in that career stage shortly after being a rookie, in that time when you are coming to grips with newfound success, and are trying to turn that newfound success and experience into confidence. 

Occasionally clients will send me a handwritten note of appreciation. I have three of them pinned to my bulletin board, to remind me that at least three people like my work. I also have a handful of testimonials that I can refer to, sent via email. These are all confidence boosters, and very much appreciated. If you are someone who hires indexers, and you genuinely like the work, take a moment to say so. Your comment will make a difference. 

If you are someone who experiences imposter syndrome, know that you are not alone. It can happen to all of us. At best, use it as a tool to deepen your craft and improve. Otherwise, know that what it is telling you is false. Try to find ways to remind yourself of that fact. You are a professional, and you do have what it takes to do your job. 

My apologies for not blogging last week. I was sick two weeks ago, which made last week extremely busy, catching up on work. I did draft this post, but did not get as far as revising and posting it. I hope to get back on track going forward.

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Defining Experience, One Index (and One Tree) at a Time

Photo by Jesse Orrico on Unsplash

Experience can be tricky to define and gauge. As a freelancer, what standard do you compare yourself to? When are you no longer a “newbie”? Some professional societies, such as the UK’s Society of Indexers or Editors Canada, offer certification, which can be helpful. Many others do not offer these external standards by which we can gauge ourselves. Is it a matter of, “I know it when I see it”?

I returned home a couple of days ago from the Indexing Society of Canada’s annual conference, held this year in Winnipeg. It was the fifth indexing conference I have attended. Unexpectedly, I came away feeling like I was truly an experienced indexer. I do not say this to brag or to say that I have finally arrived, whatever that means. There has been a shift, though—a subtle, unlooked for, shift, perhaps—in how I view myself, and perhaps in how I perceive how my colleagues view me. 

I have been trying to think about what happened at the conference that might have contributed to this shift. I did announce our new mentorship program, which I helped to write the proposal for and for which I am now one of the two coordinators tasked with turning the proposal into a functioning program. I know that indexing experience is not strictly necessary to put together a mentorship program, but I am still feeling the weight of this responsibility. I did feel like I recognized more colleagues than I have in the past, and in turn was recognized by them. I have been around long enough that colleagues are starting to turn into friends. I did talk to a number of newer indexers, compared to whom I am, I realize, more experienced, while there are others who have been indexing far longer. I suppose you could say that in my sixth year as a freelancer I am somewhere in the middle of my career. The beginning is now past.

I often think about the two seasons I planted trees in northern British Columbia, when I think about the acquisition and progression of experience. I turned nineteen and twenty those two summers. Tree planting is seasonal work in Canada, to replace the trees cut down by logging. First year planters are called rookies, and you remain a rookie until the last day of the season. If you come back for a second year, you are a vet. The demarcation is clear.

Experience is what differentiates rookies from vets. The first season is dedicated to learning proper technique, how to read the ground, and how to add speed, once technique is ingrained. I only hit the two thousand tree mark three, maybe four days that first summer. For me, much of that first season was also the mental struggle to stay engaged in a repetitious, physically demanding task and environment. Especially in the third month, I am pretty sure I was burning out. One afternoon I literally threw my shovel away and cried, alone in the middle of the clearcut. I felt numb and exhausted. All I wanted to do was to sit and be somewhere else. But, I was in the middle of the wilderness with a bag of seedlings strapped to my waist. At the very least I needed to walk back to the truck, which I think was at least a ten minute walk. So after sitting for a bit I found my shovel and dragged myself back to work.

In contrast, my second season got off to a flying start. I hit two thousand trees within the first few days and maintained that pace for the rest of the summer. I would often plant upwards to 2,200 trees a day, occasionally more, with my personal best being about 2,650, on trenched ground, with a sore knee. I was refreshed from nine months away, and all of that experience from my first year—all that I was trying to achieve my first year—suddenly became possible. I was clearly no longer a rookie. That said, there were a few vets on our crew who had been planting for five or more years. They would routinely plant three thousand trees a day, sometimes going up to four or five thousand if the ground was creamy. Experience exists on a continuum. 

Bringing this back to indexing, I think there are a few markers for experience. One is simply putting in the work, measured both in time and in indexes completed. Indexing, like tree planting, is inherently hands-on. While knowledge about technique can inform practice, that knowledge will never replace practice. The best way to gain experience is to just do the work. 

A second aspect is self-reflection. I think it is possible for someone to index poorly for a long time, because they have never thought about how they index or how they can improve. I think when someone is described as an experienced indexer, quality is often implied, which requires attention to craft. The other side of this is that even experienced indexers can get better. There is always room to learn. 

I think that mindset is a third aspect. I see this in myself, in that somewhere along the way I have come to recognize that I have completed a significant body of work, that my work processes and skills have changed over time (hopefully for the better), and that I am better able to deal with challenges as they arise. I also have a changing sense of myself in relation to my colleagues, whether those are colleagues ahead of me, with me, or behind me on this continuum of experience. I am coming to see that I am experienced, while also seeing that there is still more that I can learn. 

Maybe I am premature to consider myself experienced. Maybe I will look back on this post ten years from now and think, “What is that idiot talking about?” And maybe I will think the same again twenty years from now. I don’t know. Either way, the work continues. I trust that you and I, if we keep chipping away at our craft, will find experience, one way or another. And there is always another indexing conference next year to look forward to.

I wasn’t able to find a stock photo of tree planting, but check this article out on Vice for some stunning photos. There is nothing quite like pounding trees. It is as much a lifestyle as it is a job.

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Confessions from a Tight Schedule

I leave Wednesday morning for the Indexing Society of Canada’s annual conference, held this year in Winnipeg. Departure is now less than forty-eight hours away. This last week I have been counting down the projects I need to finish before I leave. My goal is to finish the last index on Tuesday, so I can enjoy the conference without a deadline hanging over my head. So far I seem to be on track, fingers crossed. I have a bad habit of keeping a tight schedule right until it is time to walk out the door. More often than not I end up finishing the index on the airplane. I am trying to avoid that this trip. It is not worth the stress.

Unfortunately, time has still been pretty tight this last week, and I chose not to draft  a longer blog post this weekend in order to index. My apologies. Writing is one of my favourite activities, and I have enjoyed blogging these last couple of months. Weeks like these remind me, though, that I can’t always do everything. I recently read Jon Acuff’s book, Finish. He makes the point that sometimes in order to finish one task or goal, you have to decide that you are going to suck, at least temporarily, at something else. I think there is some wisdom in that, as much as I also chafe at having to prioritize, say no, and not follow through this week on writing for this blog.

So, a short blog post instead. I thought I owed you an explanation. I am sorry that I don’t have anything more substantial for you this week. I look forward to writing for you again next week. 

If you are going to be in Winnipeg–see you there! It looks to be a great line-up, as well as excellent colleagues, as always. This will be my fifth indexing conference. It is definitely a highlight in the indexing calendar.

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How to Marinate an Index and Other Time Factors

“How long does it take to index a book, anyway?”

This is one of the most common questions I am asked by non-indexers. It is a fair question. What is this alchemy of words and numbers that I do from which an index is created? Do I actually have to read the whole book?

This is also an important question for editors and authors who are looking to hire an indexer. How much time does the production schedule need to allow for indexing? If a rush job is required, how rushed is reasonable?

To answer this question, I often say that I can complete most indexes in fifteen to twenty-five hours. These are hours spent at the computer, actively working on the index. This is true enough, in that I time myself and these are the numbers I get. But it is still a simplistic answer. A better answer is, if I have no other projects on the go, I can complete an index for a 200 page book in three days. Three long days, depending on the book’s content, but still, three days. A week is more comfortable for me, for most books. I currently index, on average, 4-5 books per month.  

Most of my clients, when they send me a project, give me two to four weeks to complete the index (different clients have different schedules). Occasionally I am asked to complete an index in less time, which I might be able to do, but I still prefer at least two weeks. Why is this? Does this not contradict what I wrote above about completing an index in three days? Even three days is a somewhat simplistic answer. There are a number of factors that affect how long it takes to write an index. 

Length and Complexity

Let’s start with the easiest factors. A long book will usually take longer to index than a short book. A more complex book—as in complexity in structure, argument, or subject matter—will also usually take longer to index than a simple book. This is usually the different between a book intended for a general audience and a book intended for a specialist or scholarly audience. If you are an author or editor, think about the audience for your book and how it is written, as well as the page or word count. That should give you an idea for how long it will take to write the index.

Overlapping Projects and Deadlines

Some indexers prefer to work on only one project at a time. I see value in that. It is easier on the mind to not have to switch back and forth between projects. For that reason I try not to work on more than two indexes at a time, though I am currently working on three. When I edit an index, I also tend to double down and not work on anything else until I am done, in order to maintain focus and to keep the big picture of the index in my mind. 

But still, I often do work on more than one index at a time. I also usually have one or more projects waiting on my desktop for me to start. This means what while I may have three weeks to complete an index, I am not actively working on that index everyday for those three weeks. I am sorry if this bursts your conception of how I work. Please know, however, that sometime in those three weeks I will write the best index for you that I can.  

Why do I work like this, with multiple overlapping projects? The main reason is that publishing schedules often change. When I book a project, I mark those dates on my calendar and I try to space projects in a reasonable way. I also believe that my clients are being sincere about the dates they give me. But, dates change. I may learn about changes a few weeks or a month in advance, or it might just be a few days. I have decided that in order to maintain a full schedule, so that a change of dates does not leave a big hole, it is worthwhile to have overlapping projects. Having two or more weeks to complete an index, while technically more time than I usually need, does allow me to work on more than one project at a time, as well as provides a cushion when schedules slip. 

Time to Think

This, in my opinion, is the most important factor when thinking about the time it takes to write an index. If I am indexing a short book that will take, say, eight hours, I could conceivably write the index in one day. But I would never want to do that. Why? Because that kind of compressed work does not give me time to think.

What do I mean by this? Surely I am thinking all throughout the indexing process. There is reading the text and understanding what it means. There is thinking at the micro level, about what main headings and subheadings to use, and how to word them. There is thinking at the macro level, about the index structure. Then there is the final edit, which is a different sort of thinking from reading the book and creating the initial entries. In order to edit with a freshed mind, I prefer to start editing the day after I finish reading the book. So, yes, a lot of thinking goes into the index. 

By time to think, I also mean time away from the index, time that is not captured in those eight hours. These are insights that come to me when I am at the gym, washing the dishes, or driving. Sometimes if I am stuck I will simply go for a walk, hoping that the break and the change in activity will stimulate my thinking. I find that these moments away from the index, when I give my subconscious a chance to hum along while I do something else, are crucial to writing the index. In a way, the index needs time to marinate. The index will be better for spacing the work out over a few days.

Time to Rest

Related to time to think is time to rest. This is both for within a project and between projects. Reading sixty or a hundred pages per day, and created index entries, is a lot of information to process. My mind often feels like mush at the end of the day, and I need to take time to rest so that I can do it again the next day. The same is true between projects, especially as I prefer, as I mentioned, to double down on editing to keep the big picture in my mind. This can make for some long days editing. Depending on how I am feeling, I might take the next day off, or at least work fewer hours, to give my mind a chance to recover.

Rush Jobs

I mentioned rush jobs at the beginning of this post and how they fit in. When a client asks for a rush job, it usually means that I am being asked at the last minute, and the index is due in a week or less. Given that I am already often working on a couple of indexes, I usually turn down rush jobs. If you are lucky, another project has slipped and I have an unexpected hole in my schedule, but that is usually the exception. The other exception is if I really want to work on the project, for whatever reason, or if I am doing it as a favour to the client, at which point I am probably working evenings and the weekend to fit it in.

Figuring out the time it takes to write an index is complicated. Being a freelancer and working with multiple clients means a fluid schedule. There are the deadlines, and then there is how I structure my days and weeks to actually meet those deadlines. If you are an author or editor, hopefully this blog post will give you a better understanding of what you are helping to set in motion when you say, please complete this index in two weeks.  If you are an indexer, what factors are at play for you?

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Code-Switching, in Language and in Freelance Life

My childhood was conducted in three languages. 

At home, my family spoke English. School, from grade one to halfway through grade three, was conducted in Mandarin Chinese (half way through grade three I transferred to the English-speaking international school, where we still had daily Mandarin classes). The language spoken at the church my family attended was primarily Taiwanese, which is the language my parents first learned when we moved to Taiwan. Everyday life outside of church, school, and home was conducted in a mixture of Taiwanese and Mandarin, except for the rare occasions when we got together with other foreigners. 

The technical term for this fluent switching back and forth is code-switching. Most Taiwanese are experts at this. If you only know one of the two main languages in Taiwan, there is much that you will not understand.

As a kid, I took code-switching for granted. Even today, though my ability to speak in Mandarin and Taiwanese is rusty, and my vocabulary is not as broad as I would like, my comprehension remains stable. I can still follow a conversation in which Taiwanese, Mandarin, and English are all being used in some combination. I often think in Mandarin and Taiwanese. This is not something that I consciously try to do; it just is, in the same way that I can understand Taiwanese, but am unable to explain its seven tones.

I have been thinking about code-switching recently in relation to my work. I have been juggling multiple projects over the last few weeks. Too many projects, it seems. There is the indexing, of course, often two books at a time, with more waiting my attention. I am also consulting on a long-term project rewriting a policy document, which is a new type of work for me. I am also nearly finished proofreading a book, for which I also wrote the index. Add in an hour of writing for myself every morning, and it feels like each day I am working on four distinct projects, at least, trying to keep each moving forward towards their respective deadlines.

Am I too busy? I admit I have taken on too many projects. Learning to say no to clients continues to be a challenge, while also accurately judging how long projects will take to complete, my own energy, and being protective of my own time and priorities. I am still learning how quickly or slowly I can turn around a project, which seems to vary anyway as I become more proficient at indexing, or if a project is easier or harder than expected. It is the usual fluid and chaotic schedule of a freelancer, or at least how I imagine most freelancers work. 

Specifically, I have been thinking about my need to quickly switch between projects throughout the day.  I need to put down my consulting for the day and pick up the indexing or proofreading from where I left off the day before. I need to be able to finish indexing a chapter in one book and then start indexing the next chapter of another book. I do not have much time to catch up on what I previously completed; I need to have that knowledge ready to go.

This is tough work, I am realizing. It takes a mental toll to be on like this throughout the day, to be able to jump from task to task, and topic to topic, while maintaining the same pace throughout. I try to make it easier by working on these projects in the same order each day, so that I can have a routine and rhythm that I can take for granted. 

I have also been wondering if code-switching might be a metaphor for this switching back and forth. A bad metaphor, perhaps. Code-switching in speech often occurs within the same sentence, at least in Taiwan. The switching I am doing in my work is sequential and not nearly so rapid. But I still have to maintain fluency, so to speak, in all projects. The pivot from one to the next has to feel effortless.

Easier said than done, I know. This post is not meant to brag about how much I can accomplish. It is, instead, admitting that I’ve been in over my head again these last few weeks, trying to do too much. I look forward to saying goodbye to projects and finding some margin again for rest and other activities. I find three projects per day to be my sweet maximum. That is the number I need to keep in mind as I book projects and plan my schedule.

If you are a freelancer, how do you tame your schedule? Do you try to work on more than one project at a time?


Strategic and Persistent Marketing

Marketing is probably the one area that most stumps freelancers. Unless the skill you are offering is that of marketing consultant, this is not what you trained for. The thought of cold-calling reduces your voice to a stuttering whisper. If you are new to freelancing, you might also be wracked with insecurity about your qualifications. Are you good enough for someone to hire?

Let’s say that yes, you are good enough to hire. If you have undergone training, have made opportunities to practice your craft, and gotten feedback from others, then you are already a big step ahead of the amateurs. You will continue to learn as you work, but for now, yes, you are good enough to open for business.

So, back to the question: how do we market ourselves?

The actual how is difficult to answer. So much depends on what you are comfortable doing, and what will most effectively reach your target clients. I once read an article in an indexing resource titled something like “A Hundred Ways to Market Yourself.” (I wish I could find that article again.) Some of the ways given were very practical and others were a bit goofy, but the point was, marketing is basically getting your name and services in front of the right people, however that happens. 

I like to think about marketing as forming relationships and connections with the right people. In a niche industry like indexing, it is only a small subset of people who actually need to hire an indexer. Trying to sell my services to the marketing team may lead to a referral to the managing editor, who is the person I actually need to be talking to, but it won’t be the most effective use of my effort. So one of the first considerations is, who do I actually need to talk to? 

To help narrow down the possibilities, answer these questions:

  • What is your market? There are hundreds of publishers out there, and who knows how many thousands of authors, not to mention journals and possibly corporations and government entities who could use an indexer. Unless you plan on starting a large indexing company, working across the whole field, you can’t possibly serve them all. So what kind of clients do you want to work with? Do you want to work with authors or publishers? Do you have a preference between trade, scholarly, or a speciality subject? Do you want to work with clients within a certain geographical area? Your market can overlap any or all of these areas. You can also choose to target different markets as your business grows. But to provide focus, pick a market and focus on that for now. 
  • Who, within your chosen market, are the gatekeepers to paid work? As I mentioned above, marketing is about connecting with the right people. Everyone else you can fairly safely ignore. I say fairly safely because even someone not directly connected to indexing might be able to refer you to work, so by all means make it widely known that you are open for business. That knowledge might just percolate and eventually turn into a job. But for more immediate results, find the gatekeepers. In a publishing house, this will probably be the managing or production editor. If you are not sure who is responsible for hiring indexers, ask. Finding the people who need indexers will take some time and research, and it is well worth the effort. When you do make your pitch, you do not want to waste your time or theirs talking to the wrong person. 

Once you have identified who to contact, these are a few points to consider as you plan your marketing strategy.

  • Choose a marketing method. There are many ways to approach a potential client. I think if done rightly, there are no wrong ways. As mentioned, the main factors are, is it a way that you are comfortable with, and will it effectively reach the client. Personally, I prefer to make contact by email or to network at conferences and other events. I have also tried cold-calling, and once I arranged to meet a managing editor for coffee and tour their office, which I would definitely do again if I moved to a new city and wanted to meet the local publishers. I once heard a presentation from an indexer who conducted an extensive and successful snail mail campaign, and I’ve talked to an indexer who found work on business books through Google ads. Pick two or three ways that you are comfortable with and given them a try. If the first try does not succeed, try again. People will not always reply, so try several times to see if a method is effective or not. If a method is not effective, try something else. The point of choosing a method is to provide focus. It is not to lock you into a method forever. 
  • Show that you understand your potential client’s needs. I think it can be easy to assume that a publisher and an indexer are an obvious match. It can be tiresome to personalize forty emails. But while parts of that email can be the same across all forty, it is still important to show that you know something about the books or the needs of that particular client. Show that this is not just another email that you are dashing off, but that you have put thought into this effort to connect.
  • Talk about yourself with specific details. The flip side about being knowledgable about the client is being specific about your own abilities and accomplishments. If you haven’t yet landed your first project, then mention your training and any academic or employment experience which would be relevant to the books at hand. You can also mention indexes that you have written for practice or as a volunteer. If you have been hired for a few projects, then mention those, including the publishers. If you have a testimonial, put that in. You do not want to send a bland, generic message. Let the client know that you are a real person with experience and knowledge of the industry and the task. 
  • Pay attention to local and new publishers. I wonder if this is an area that some indexers overlook, because it seems like local or new publishers can’t possibly provide enough work. That is most likely true, but local publishers can still be a great starting point. You can use projects from smaller clients to show larger clients what you are capable of. And, I think it can sometimes be easier to get work from local clients. One managing editor told me that she prefers to hire local, even though she knows that with the internet, there is no rational basis for that preference. With someone local, you can also meet them in person, which, if you make a good impression, could be much more effective than an email or phone call. As for a new publisher, becoming their first freelance indexer could help ensure a steady stream of work into the future. So keep your eyes and ears open for changes in the publishing scene so you can respond quickly to new opportunities. 
  • Don’t despise the small clients. This relates to what I wrote last week about having a diverse client base. A small or medium sized publisher will not be able to provide full-time work, but a handful of small publishers might. So don’t be afraid to market to smaller potential clients. It is not a waste of time. 

By this point, I don’t blame you if you are wondering if we are done yet. There is a lot to consider. But take a deep breathe—I am almost done.  Just a few more big-picture points to consider.

  • Think long term. You may meet the perfect managing editor who can send you work, but they don’t need you yet. Indexing is just one part of the book production process, and maybe when you make contact, they don’t have any books at that stage. Or perhaps they already work with other indexers, and the editor is willing to give you a try but you have to wait until the other indexers are not available. It can sometimes take months or even years for a contact to actually send you work. To give an extreme example, I was recently hired, for the first time, by someone I first met at a networking event four or five years ago. She still remembered me, and when someone else recently recommended me to her, she decided that it was finally time to get in contact with a job. Thankfully the next longest span for me between first contact and a project was about a year, and with most other clients it was a matter of within a few months. But still, marketing may not yield immediate results. So do not be discouraged if work is slow to come. Keep trying, follow-up, and the work will eventually come. 
  • Remember that marketing is a numbers game. The more people you contact, the better the odds that at least some of them will reply with work. If you contact ten publishers, expect that maybe one or two will get back to you. If you factor in time, maybe a couple more will eventually respond as well. It can be discouraging to put in all that work to only receive silence. This is fairly common, unfortunately. So within your chosen market, and having done your research to identify the gatekeepers and how you can meet their needs, reach out to as many potential clients as you can.
  • Network. Like marketing, this is another of those dreaded words for freelancers, especially if you are an introvert and part of your motivation for freelancing is because you want to work at home by yourself. What does it mean to network? Like marketing, it is about making connections with the people who need you or who can refer you onwards. I don’t enjoy getting together with strangers either, but a lot of it is, honestly, just showing up and saying hello. Surprisingly, this is now one of my preferred methods. Networking does get easier with practice, especially if you can return to the same event two or three times. The first time may be awkward, but by the second or third visit, people will start to recognize you, and you them. 

Okay, you can breathe again. Thank you for staying with me to the end. 

Marketing is intimidating, but with a focused plan it is possible. You can gain clients and launch your freelance career. Be persistent, be strategic, and the work will eventually come.

The Freelance Career Launch Series is a set of posts about how to start your freelance career. The focus will be on indexing, because that is what I do, but the principles are universal.